Personal Injury FAQs

Whether you suffer an injury at home, school, workplace, or on the road, the pain and discomfort you experience can significantly impact your day-to-day life. Fortunately, your chiropractor near you at Doyle Chiropractic in Simpsonville, SC, offers holistic and non-invasive solutions to your personal injury problem. We are here to answer frequently asked questions about the causes, symptoms, and chiropractic treatment of personal injuries.


Why should I see a chiropractor for a personal injury?

Prompt medical treatment after an injury is essential for preventing long-term health complications. Your doctor will assess your condition and treat external and internal injuries. However, soft tissue injuries often go unnoticed since they may not show immediate physical symptoms. Our chiropractor can detect hidden problems in your musculoskeletal system contributing to your pain and discomfort. They can then create a customized treatment plan to help you heal properly and restore your body’s normal function.

What types of personal injuries do chiropractors treat?

Chiropractors focus on injuries and conditions involving the musculoskeletal system. Some of the most common personal injuries our chiropractor treats include whiplash, herniated discs, and ligament tears. Our chiropractic care can also alleviate muscle and joint sprains, shoulder and back pain, and misalignments in your spine and surrounding joints. Headaches after an auto accident may also respond well to chiropractic care.

How does chiropractic care treat personal injuries?

Our chiropractor will perform a physical exam and review your medical history to understand the specifics of your injury and the factors contributing to pain and discomfort. Once they determine the underlying cause of your symptoms, our chiropractor will create a treatment plan that may include adjustments, massage, cold laser therapy, and therapeutic exercises.

Adjustments help realign your spinal system to relieve pain caused by compressed spinal nerves. Massage reduces muscle tension to ease pain while circulating blood to damaged tissues to promote healing. Therapeutic exercises help strengthen core muscles to restore body function, flexibility, and mobility.

What can I expect from an initial chiropractic visit?

Our chiropractor will review your medical history, discuss your symptoms, and evaluate your condition to determine the cause of your pain. They may take X-rays, an MRI, or a CT scan to more accurately identify your injury. Our chiropractor will then check your spinal alignment and assess your mobility. Doing this helps them outline a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. Our chiropractor will explain their techniques or therapies and answer your questions to ensure you are comfortable with your treatment.

See Your Chiropractor Near You in Simpsonville, SC, for Personal Injury Treatment

If you suffered a personal injury and need effective treatment from a “chiropractor near you,” look no further than Doyle Chiropractic in Simpsonville, SC. Our chiropractor will develop a treatment plan to ease pain and restore your range of motion, so call us and schedule a consultation today at (864) 881-4221 to get the relief needed to feel like yourself again.


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9:00 am - 1:00 pm

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


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